"Some people read right to left
and some read left to right
but the whole world
Miles Perkins
Director Film & Television
at Epic Games

*and a creator-led fan powered IP stream

Join a creator-led fan-powered graphic fiction explosion that enables a fluid relationship between creators and readers who are eager to explore their own creativity.
A mobile native platform for creating and consuming
bite-sized graphic media

The next generation of spatial storytelling is
a cinematic fusion of digital graphics and fiction.
snacktoons features visually rich enhanced vertical scroll, creating a unique experience that goes beyond the familiar 2D design to a novel 3D scrolling format with interactive features.

snackshop will pioneer spatial storytelling and explore formats in virtual and augmented reality with AR Effects, Wearables, and Spatial Audio.

Graphic fiction has always pointed the way to new worlds new vistas and the future. Are you ready for an explosion of cinematic worlds, with new compelling characters, original adventures, and surprising digital experiences?

You’ll never know where we’ll go! snackshop is changing the paradigms in graphic fiction, graphic fiction creation, user sharing and vertical scroll gaming.

You’ll never know where we’ll go!
snackshop is changing the paradigm in graphic fiction, graphic fiction creation, user sharing and vertical scroll gaming.

snackshop knows that the audience is part of the creative community. Today’s readers participate and collaborate in the production of new experiences through adapting, remixing and creating their own original stories.

Want to participate in the ownership and monetization of your own creations?
snackshop's ecosystem is designed by creators for creators and fans alike with your full participation in mind.

snackshop is a part of the new mosaic of content apps that eschews tired old media, the old ways of seeing and telling stories.
snackshop is a part of the configuration that includes TikTok, YouTube, Twitch, Roblox and more.
snackshop is designed to be the ultimate home for story and characters, the creators who design and write them, and the participatory audiences who engage in their work.
snackshop is snackable, shareable to all the other apps you use in the New Mosaic.

Sales of $4.7 billion today
are projected to grow to
$60.1 billion by 2030,
a CAGR of 40%

snacktoons digital approach works well with printed graphic fiction!
snacktoons’ digital comics cross-border strategy, will enable the international world of graphic fiction to benefit from future innovations, introducing esteemed international publications to a broader, diverse, comics-literate audience, many of whom may not have had the privilege of reading the original materials. We enable the industry to harness a world-wide community for graphic fiction through mobile expansion from every corner of the earth!

What are you looking for?

We have it!
Working with every kind of creator, including a much wider range of stories with all kinds of themes in all kinds of genres. Rescuing content from libraries around the world.
Thousands of new and current titles!

snackshop offers creators
and copyright holders
ways to monetize immediately
in the creator economy.

Craig Allen, is a recognized executive and innovator in the video game industry bringing over 25 years of experience from leading the first Call of Duty for consoles to overseeing the creative development of Moxie AI - a cutting edge conversational robot teaching life skills beyond academics. Allen began his career as part of the founding team at Disney Interactive in the early 1990s producing and overseeing global gaming efforts including such projects as Toy Story, Hercules, and Kingdom Hearts. Following Disney, Mr. Allen was the GM and SVP of Jim Henson Interactive prior to becoming the Co-Founder and CEO of Spark Unlimited. Today, as CEO of Snackshop, Allen is excited to evolving webcomics with a new playful platform empowering anyone to easily create and share their stories with a global community.
Industry insiders know that beside stellar individual careers in film & television, Kriegman and McMullen in partnership have served as world builders and early tech innovators for decades, designing new ventures ranging from theme parks to retail design environments, including digital startups that seamlessly weave physical and digital worlds together to create immersive experiences of enduring impact, and generating use cases for new technology.
Some of the vanguard companies they have worked with include Walt Disney Imagineering, The Jim Henson Creature Shop, Doug Trumbull’s Entertainment Design Workshop, J. Walter Thompson, The Ian Schrager Company, ILM, R/GA, Ed Schlossberg’s ESI Design as well as studios DreamWorks, Searchlight Pictures, Amblin, and Doozer Productions.

Our Advisory Board and Executive Team include insiders who want to make a difference, support innovation
and new ideas.
It includes people in the business working with the companies below and others who are fully invested in creating new original work!

Want to join our mission?

snackshop seeks to catapult diverse creators everywhere into countless opportunities through a mobile first community network.
Building a new future of new ideas stories and characters.
snackshop is building a multipurpose platform built for the creation & distribution of graphic fiction media to users worldwide.

Propelling publication markets into the future, closing the digital gap world wide
with creators & fans alike.
Comics as a social driver
for community & new creation.